Friday, March 6, 2009

What moves you to change, and what new changes moving you?

Happy freaky Friday!

These are the MAMA GREEN POWER tips of the week:

Sara Berger of Richmond, VA is raising chickens. She wants to build a home for 6 pullet hens with recycled or "found" materials. She is blogging about her experiences at

Robine Bots-Jeffrey's of Central Oregon and her sister, Anna Marie, are investing in worm bins. Robine said the worm bin was her birthday present to herself. Anna Marie, is a worm bin enthusiasts and also proudly sports only using her dryer once a week. She uses the dry heat of her pellet stove to save energy by hanging her clothes dry. Turn on the ceiling fan, and she gets the bonus of humidifing her home.

We chatted about simple tips to conserve like vacuuming the coils under the fridge and making sure the dryer tubes are cleaned out properly.

Get creative with lessening your consumption and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

patchoulibeth said...

three cheers for other recycling, DIY mommas! My kind of sisters!
My name is Beth, am 45, live in North Central Kansas and have 7 creative, wonderful children. I wish there were more (other?) women up here who were passionate about doing their part to make the world a better place for our children and the worlds children as well. Mabey its up to me to get people informed/excited:)
"What moves me to change"? I have all kinds of Green Goals, and will admit that recycling/being mindful of the Earth's resources is a strong motivator for me.
I am particularly sensitive to the gross injustices which make women and children the brunt of so much bad social policy. So very excited to have heard about MAU--am I a "MAU" now? I would gladly carry your banner in this part of the world!
Oh---also want to add that I joined your Yahoo Group but it sure gets alot of spam!!!
So...with that said am glad to find this a viable way of communicating:)
Have a blest Easter! Always~Beth