Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Summer 2008

Hi MAUmas in Bend,

This summer MAU Bend concentrated our effort on the Citizen MaMA campain to curb the effects of global warming, on mama at time. We parked our family car for three out of the five work week days and walked, biked, triked, and burleyed our way around our neighborhood. Visit http://www.citizenmama.blogspot.com/ to learn more about our national collaboration!
The project continues into the fall.

Welcome back Mavens! Now that school, political campaigns and falling leaves are in full swing, it's time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Setting distractions aside (like the thousands of Sarah Palin emails), more than ever we need to engage every MAU in MAUville to ensure a peaceful and sustainable planet for the world's children.
Definition of a MAU: a mother* advocating on behalf of the world's children. Methods of advocating include, but are not limited to: raising your children to be global citizens; caring for children in your community; supporting non-profits that assist children around the world; writing letters to the editor of local newspapers; meeting with elected officials; working to elect pro-child candidates or running for office yourself(!).
In the months ahead, the MAU Website will shine the spotlight on what YOU and other MAUs are doing and expanding opportunities to network. You'll also be invited to partake in various MAU pilot projects. Send news of your acting up.
Each and every one of us are part of a revolutionary change and know 5 or 10 other mamas who are actively engaged, but aren't yet part of the MAU network. Invite every mama in your midst to join MAU today. When one million mothers* advocate for the world's children, our collective call will be heard!
Check out MAU's new home page for all the MAULights:
The Moment is HERE! The 2009 MAU engagement calendar and guidebook is inspired by the personal moments of Isabel Allende, Paul Hawkin, Mukhtar Mai and the Northern Michigan MAUs who raised $60,000 in two years to benefit children around the world. Talk About It! The political limelight is on Mothers for perhaps the 1st time in the history of the U.S. Let's use this opportunity to call for pro-child candidates rallying behind a pro-child agenda. MAU Live: The Mother Tour traveled to Vietnam and Malaysia this summer. Get a recap, tour dates and buy a DVD of the show for engaging friends and relations. Entertainment often opens doors that statistics just can't...The Girlcott of the Moment: The #2 MAU Principle is Follow the Money. If each of us spent our money on products, services and investments that nurtured the world's children, we would transform the world before our next paycheck. Check out WE ADD UP: groovy, cool t-shirts promoting efforts to curb global warming.Grateful to have your spirited partnership on this journey,
Joellen and the Mavens at MAU Central

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