Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Reclaiming Mother's Day

We are holding our first annual Bend MAU Reclaiming Mother's Day Event!
This year on May 11th at from 2pm-4pm we will be having a picnic at Harmon Park.
MAU's Mother's Day events are inspired by the life, words and actions of Julia Ward Howe. After the Civil War, Julia called for a day when mothers would unite across boundaries - of nationality, race, religion or political affirmation - to protect our global family.
The picnic is still in the planning stages, so all help is welcome. Please contact Kate at bend@mothersactingup.org if you have anything ideas to share, media contacts, groups I should invite, or you want to participate as a facepainter, stiltwalker, bellydancer, cupcake maker, or whatever you can imagine!

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